May 12, 2006

Did the Parthenon sculptures portray images from Genesis?

Posted at 1:08 pm in Acropolis, Elgin Marbles

A 600 slide PowerPoint presentation has been released as an expansion on the material in the Robert Bowie Johnson Junior’s book The Parthenon Code: Mankind’s History in Marble. I have already written about my thoughts on this book previously.

PR Newswire

12 May 2006
Ancient Greek Images Portrayed Genesis Events – Independent Record of Mankind’s Origins Uncovered

ANNAPOLIS, Md., May 11 /PRNewswire/ — Solving Light Books announced today the release of a 600-slide PowerPoint presentation, an expansion of the book, “The Parthenon Code: Mankind’s History in Marble” (ISBN: 0970543832) by Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr. The PowerPoint restores the east pediment of the Parthenon in color by computer, explains its meaning and, displaying more than 500 ancient images, shows that the characters and events portrayed in Greek art match those described in the early chapters of Genesis. Only the viewpoint is different. The Greeks believed that the serpent enlightened, rather than deluded, the first couple in paradise.

Greek artists did not portray “myths” as is commonly believed, but rather a visual narrative of their history meant to be easily grasped by their many illiterate countrymen. The gods looked exactly like people because they were the Greeks’ (and our) ancestors. Socrates himself referred to the gods as his “lords and ancestors.”

The Greeks called the first couple Zeus and Hera, a brother/sister – husband/wife pair whom their poets and playwrights traced to an ancient garden of ease, always depicted with a serpent-entwined apple tree. Like Adam and Eve, they had two antagonistic sons, Hephaistos corresponding to Kain (Cain), and Ares corresponding to Seth. Surviving images of those figures, the Greek Noah, and many others provide us with a new and independent record of mankind’s origins, a discovery of Rosetta Stone proportions.

“Once you see that Greek artists celebrated the resurgence of the way of Kain after the Flood, the meaning of their art becomes obvious,” says Johnson. “The ancient painted and sculpted record clearly shows that the Greeks pushed Noah and his God out of the picture, worshipped their ancestors as gods, and exalted mankind as the measure of all things,” he added.

The Greeks summarized their boast to posterity on the east pediment of the Parthenon, explaining who they were and where they came from. The PowerPoint offers the first comprehensible and coherent color restoration of it. The pediment’s profound, familiar theme resonates today even as it did 2400 years ago.

The PowerPoint features seven vase depictions of the Greek version of Eden, thirty-one of Noah’s Flood and its aftermath, and thirteen of Nereus, the Greek Noah.

PowerPoint Trailer, Sample Sections, Restored Pediment, Noah, Eden Images:

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