January 18, 2005

The Parthenon Code

Posted at 3:01 pm in Acropolis, Elgin Marbles

A new book has been released by Robert Bowie Johnson Jr. about the sculptures on the Parthenon & his own personal interpretation of them. I have not yet read this book, but have read one of his previous books “Athena & Eden” & found that while the initial research appeared to be clearly structured & thought out, as it moved towards his conclusions it is clear fairly poor historical assumptions were being used to try & prop up the authors own extreme creationist ideology.
If anyone is going to read this book I would suggest that they also purchase a number of other books on the Parthenon Sculptures & their meaning / interpretation to gain a more balanced (& accepted by archaeologists) perspective on the topic. After all, given the same set of facts to start with, many others have looked at these facts, but few others have ended up with an interpretation even approaching the theories that are expounded by this author.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Kain (Cain) Depicted Killing Abel on the Parthenon?
ANNAPOLIS, MD.- Did ancient Greek artists depict Kain (Cain) killing Abel on their most glorious temple, the Parthenon? Yes, according to Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr., author of “The Parthenon Code: Mankind’s History in Marble,” new from Solving Light Books.

Johnson’s book relates that the story of Kain killing Abel appeared on four square sculpted panels in the center of the south side of the Parthenon. While these were destroyed in the explosion of 1687, accurate drawings of them from 1674 by French artist, Jacques Carrey, survive. On the first panel, according to the book, Kain and Abel talk. On the second, Kain argues with his own wife over a sacrifice. On the third, Kain startles Abel in the field. On the fourth, Kain kills Abel.

Kain was the eldest son of Adam and Eve; Seth, who replaced the murdered Abel, was their youngest son. Genesis asserts that only Noah’s family of the line of Seth survived the Flood; all others who practiced the anti-God way of Kain drowned. According to “The Parthenon Code,” the Greeks depicted their recollection of Noah’s Flood often on vases as Kentaurs (or Centaurs, half-men/half-horses who represented the line of Seth), pounding a man named Kaineus into the earth with rocks. Kaineus in Greek means “pertaining to Kain,” thus Greek artists conveyed the historical message that all that pertained to Kain had disappeared into the earth, matching the Genesis account.

“The evidence shows that the Greeks knew exactly who Kain was. Their entire religious system, what we erroneously call ‘myth,’ chronicles the reestablishment of the way of Kain after the Flood,” Mr. Johnson said.

“The Greeks also knew exactly who Noah was: they called him Nereus, the ‘Wet One’ often depicting his bottom half as a fish signifying that he had come through the Flood. The Greeks built the Parthenon to celebrate the triumph of the way of Kain over Noah and his God, and to glorify Athena, a picture of the serpent-friendly Eve of Genesis,” he added.

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1 Comment »

  1. Bernard Spott said,

    08.20.19 at 12:38 pm

    Except for saying “most” do not agree, this Article criticizes and negates the conclusions without any evidence. Fortunately, the majority cannot “rule” when it comes to belief and interpretation of ancient history. It’s not a political election. Even if it were, this Article casts only one vote.

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