February 11, 2014

Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return

Posted at 10:57 pm in Elgin Marbles

George Clooney has today re-stated his comments made a few days ago about the return of the Parthenon Marbles. This is in part prompted by the response by John Whittingdale of the DCMS Select Committee, who implied that being from the US, rather than the UK, Clooney probably did not know what he was talking about & did not fully understand the issue.

Today, Clooney’s support was also echoed by two of the other stars of the film – Bill Murray & Matt Damon, who came out in support of the issue at today’s press conference, where Clooney remarked that the subject was something that needed an open discussion.

An open discussion (or indeed any form of discussion) is something that campaigners have encouraged the British Museum to take part in for years. At present, it continues to issue press releases, or ignore the issue & hope it will disappear, while what is needed is a proper attempt by all parties to tackle the issue – something that the currently proposed UNESCO mediation process is intended to achieve.

In an issue, where in the past many museum professionals have spoken out in support of return, only to later backtrack, it is great that Clooney has taken the time to read up some more about the issue & to double check that his understanding of the facts was correct, before then re-stating that he still believes exactly what he said previously.

Finally, there is a peculiar response from the shadow culture minister, Helen Goodman, at the end of the Article, where she says: “How would George Clooney feel if he could only act in American films shown in the US?” If anybody can explain to me what on earth she is on about here, I’d love to have this point clarified.

Matt Damon, Bill Murray, John Goodman and George Clooney

Matt Damon, Bill Murray, John Goodman and George Clooney


George Clooney, Bill Murray and Matt Damon back return of Elgin marbles
Hollywood actors say Greek sculptures have had a “very nice stay” in Britain but should be returned
Mark Brown and Helena Smith in Athens
The Guardian, Tuesday 11 February 2014 20.44 GMT

They came to promote a film showing how millions of artworks were rescued and returned to their rightful owners after plunder by the Nazis. But George Clooney, Bill Murray and Matt Damon left implying that Britain, too, needed to have a long, hard, look at itself.

The Hollywood actors had become embroiled in one of the fiercest of all heritage controversies: should the Elgin marbles, removed from the Parthenon 200 years ago, be housed in London or in Athens?

At the National Gallery, Clooney repeated his belief that it would be a good thing if the British Museum gave the 2,500-year-old sculptures back to Greece. He was backed by Murray, who said they had had “a very nice stay here” but now should be returned.

The actors joined a dispute which has simmered ever since enormous chunks of the Parthenon’s statuary were removed by Lord Elgin, British ambassador to the Ottoman empire, in the early 19th century.

Later bankrupt, Elgin sold them to the British government for £35,000 and they made their way to the British Museum, where they have remained a star attraction ever since.

In Berlin, on Saturday, while promoting his new movie The Monuments Men – based on the second world war platoon which rescued and returned thousands of artworks stolen by the Nazis – Clooney said it would be “very nice” if the marbles went back to Greece.

In London on Tuesday, the question was put to him again. “I did a little research just to make sure I wasn’t completely out of my mind,” he said.

Slipping on pronunciation, he added: “Even in England the polling is in favour of returning the marbles from the Pantheon [sic], the Pantheon marbles.”

Clooney said the Vatican and the Getty museum, in Los Angeles, had returned parts of the Parthenon and suggested the question was whether a piece of broken-up art should be put back together as best as possible. In this case returning them was “probably the right thing to do”.

The actor said it was suggested over the weekend that because he was an American he probably didn’t understand. “That’s probably right,” he deadpanned.

But Damon quickly chipped in: “That can’t always be the British default position. I mean seriously, it’s not actually an argument to say we are Americans we don’t get it.”

Clooney added: “I do think it’s worth having an open discussion.” But he suggested he might not be getting his placards out quite yet.

“It was one of a hundred questions at a press conference, a Greek reporter asking me about the marbles – and I just said I thought it was probably a good idea if they found a way back at some point.”

His view was backed though by Murray, who plays one of the Monuments Men.

Murray said: “It seems like it’s a problem all over the world. Who owns this art? Where it came from? Do they have the right to give it back? I think it has had a very nice stay here, certainly. London’s gotten crowded, there’s plenty of room back there in Greece, plenty of room. England can take a lead on this kind of thing … letting art go back where it came from.

“If [the marbles] were all together the Greeks are nothing but generous – they’d loan it back every once in a while … like people do with art.”

Would Clooney visit the British Museum to look at the marbles? The problem was time, he said, as they were due to leave for Paris that evening “to somehow insult the Parisians, something about the Mona Lisa and Italy”.

The actors were speaking as part of a promotional tour of a film which sounds good on paper but has been getting some rotten reviews. It premiered out of competition at the Berlin film festival and was given two stars by the Guardian writer Andrew Pulver, who called it an “action movie with very little action, and a caper movie with precious little capering”.

In Greece, reaction to Clooney’s unexpected support was as swift as it was effusive. With the return of “Elgin’s loot” the single biggest priority on the arts agenda of the tourist-reliant country, the culture minister, Panos Panagiotopoulos, penned a two-page letter to the actor expressing the “heartfelt thanks of all Greeks” for his solidarity.

He wrote: “As you said, returning these pillaged masterpieces to where they belong on the Parthenon would be both fair and nice … not only because they belong to the history of Greek civilisation, but precisely because through our history they illuminate world civilisation.”

There was, he continued, only one decision that could right the wrong. “The decision to return the marbles to the place where they were chiselled, next to those sculptures from which they were so illegally and violently ripped apart.”

But at the British Museum there was little sign of policy change. A spokeswoman said everyone was entitled to their view. “The trustees have always been very clear on the benefits of [their]remaining at the museum where they can be seen as part of a world collection. The purpose of the British Museum is to present the world to the world.”

She said the issue was much more complicated than often thought and there was “a danger of oversimplifying the issue”. Nor is Clooney likely to alter UK political policy. The government supports the British Museum, and the shadow culture minister, Helen Goodman, said the museum had looked after the marbles brilliantly. “How would George Clooney feel if he could only act in American films shown in the US?”

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  1. Nihil_Novi_Net said,

    02.11.14 at 10:59 pm

    Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return – Elginism http://t.co/IdrUyHkNfp

  2. yakyakker said,

    02.11.14 at 11:13 pm

    RT @Nihil_Novi_Net: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return – Elginism http://t.co/IdrUyHkNfp

  3. nr6_kar120c said,

    02.11.14 at 11:19 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return http://t.co/yiQvOM00Lp

  4. DrMattMaher said,

    02.11.14 at 11:27 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return http://t.co/yiQvOM00Lp

  5. christos_mak said,

    02.11.14 at 11:43 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return http://t.co/yiQvOM00Lp

  6. doctordonuwl said,

    02.12.14 at 12:46 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return http://t.co/yiQvOM00Lp

  7. Dennis Menos said,

    02.12.14 at 1:11 am

    Dennis Menos liked this on Facebook.

  8. MegMcGillivray3 said,

    02.12.14 at 1:15 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return http://t.co/yiQvOM00Lp

  9. Wayne Snowdon said,

    02.12.14 at 2:11 am

    Wayne Snowdon liked this on Facebook.

  10. Anonomouse1981 said,

    02.12.14 at 8:05 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return http://t.co/yiQvOM00Lp

  11. lupecz said,

    02.12.14 at 9:40 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return http://t.co/yiQvOM00Lp

  12. Angeliki Grigoriou said,

    02.13.14 at 4:41 am

    Angeliki Grigoriou liked this on Facebook.

  13. Selby Whittingham said,

    02.14.14 at 9:56 pm

    My only dealing with Helen Goodman did not leave me impressed. There seems to be a dearth of people in the House of Commons with an interest in or knowledge of the arts.

  14. kaplanikids said,

    02.15.14 at 2:40 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Bill Murray & Matt Damon also support Marbles return http://t.co/yiQvOM00Lp

  15. Nectarios Loving said,

    02.25.14 at 11:57 am

    Not rhetorically but why are they constantly being referred to as the Elgin marbles. The sculptures were not sculptured by Elgin and what Lord would commit such an abominable crime but this opportunistic thief. Once this misnomer is dealt with appropriately, we will see changes. I cannot emphasis enough how these antiquities are of a significant Hellenist artistic movement that have been and are still taught in our schools today. What right does the Queen have to possess stolen property. What right does the government of Britain have to possess a culture and history that does not identify with its own heritage and is only identified with the illegitimate and contentious possession that only a nationalistic and contemptuous nation invariably encourages .

    Who wouldn’t want a part of Greek culture and history.

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