February 5, 2006

Elgin Marbles Early Day Motion

Posted at 1:42 pm in Elgin Marbles

Andrew Dismore, a Labour MP & long time supporter of the campaign for the return of the Elgin Marbles has tabled an EDM highlighting the relevance of the Heidelberg fragment to the Parthenon Marbles. Detail of a previous Early Day Motion on the marbles by Eddie O’Hara MP can be seen here.

Parliamentary Information Management Web Site

EDM 1546


Dismore, Andrew

That this House notes that for the first time a foreign museum, the Antiquities Museum of the University of Heidelberg, has decided to return to Greece its piece of the north frieze of the Parthenon; calls upon the British Museum to follow this excellent example and return the parts of the Parthenon sculpture it holds to Athens so that they can be reunited with the remainder of the sculptures in Greece; and looks forward to the day when the world can see all the surviving parts of the Parthenon sculptures reunited in their historical and geographical context in the new Acropolis Museum in Athens.

The following MPs have signed this EDM:

  1. Dismore, Andrew
  2. Corbyn, Jeremy
  3. Meale, Alan
  4. Jones, Lynne
  5. Cryer, Ann
  6. Marris, Rob
  7. Llwyd, Elfyn
  8. O’Hara, Edward
  9. Flynn, Paul
  10. Hancock, Mike
  11. Vis, Rudi
  12. Howarth, David
  13. Simpson, Alan
  14. Caton, Martin
  15. George, Andrew
  16. Morgan, Julie
  17. McDonnell, John
  18. Moffatt, Laura
  19. Campbell, Ronnie
  20. Durkan, Mark
  21. Francis, Hywel
  22. Rogerson, Daniel
  23. Hodgson, Sharon
  24. Galloway, George
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