December 18, 2003

Elgin Marbles exhibition in Elgin

Posted at 12:45 pm in Elgin Marbles, Marbles Reunited

Angus Robertson MP has for some time supported the return of the Elgin Marbles. Awareness of the issue is now being raised by the display of an exhibition about their reunification on display within the Scottish town of Elgin.

The Scotsman

Wed 17 Dec 2003
Emporium is stepping up a gear
Simon Pia


Elgin’s Marbles arch

ANGUS Robertson has not lost his marbles, but is merely extending a bit of Moray solidarity to the Aegean.

The Elgin Marbles are currently on display in Elgin, courtesy of a virtual-reality display. The Marbles were purloined from the Parthenon by Thomas Bruce, the 7th Earl of Elgin, in eighteen-canteen – he was a Fifer actually (surprise, surprise) – and they have resided at the British Museum ever since.

But the Moray MP is backing the campaign for repatriation in time for the 2004 Olympics and trying to restore the good name of Elgin into the bargain.

Angus told our man at the Northern Scot: “Sadly, the town is associated with the marbles, although improperly.”


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