January 2, 2015

Katherine A Schwab’s Parthenon Marbles drawings visit Omaha

Posted at 2:24 pm in Elgin Marbles, Events

Katherine A Schwab’s drawings of the Parthenon Sculptures will go on display at Creighton University’s Lied Art Gallery in Omaha, Nebraska. The exhibition opens on February 21 and runs through to March 29.

Parthenon sculptures drawing by Katherine A. Schwab

Parthenon sculptures drawing by Katherine A. Schwab

Greek Reporter

Parthenon Secrets ‘Unleashed’ in Nebraska
by Katerina Papathanasiou – Dec 17, 2014

Visitors from across the world will have the opportunity to steal a glance at a lesser-known side of the ancient Greek Parthenon, its severely deteriorated metope sculptures, on the occasion of the exhibition “An archaeologist’s Eye: The Parthenon Drawings of Katherine A. Schwab’’ that will be hosted at Creighton University’s Lied Art Gallery in Omaha, Nebraska, from February 21 through March 29. This marvelous collection, organized by the Bellarmine Museum of Art at Fairfield University (Connecticut), Creighton University (Omaha) and the Timken Museum of Art (San Diego), consists of thirty-five drawings of Dr. Katherine Schwab crafted on paper with the use of graphite and pastel pencil.

Through her personal drawing project, the American art historian of Fairfield University provides her audience with her own interpretations of the ancient Greek world by disclosing an amazing representation of some, previously damaged, fabulous metope sculptures of great narrative push. The drawings, casting light on the connection Schwab seems to have developed with the original sculptures’ creators of the most protuberant sanctuary of the Athenian Acropolis, are divided into three thematic units. The first one, embracing the popular Greek mythology theme of the fight between Olympian gods and earthborn giants, consists of sixteen graphite and pastel depictions of the east metopes. The second unit illustrates twelve graphite drawings inspired by the Sacking of Troy, while the third, based on a careful selection of figures from the Parthenon pediments and frieze, includes seven graphite sketches.

For millennia, the Parthenon has suffered changes caused by thoughtless renovations, earthquakes, explosions, fire and it has been ransacked multiple times. Its unparalleled magnitude will shine once again through this unique exhibition in Nebraska, traveling next to the Hallie Ford Museum of Art at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, the Timken Museum of Art in San Diego, California, and The Nashville Parthenon, in Nashville, Tennessee.

If you happen to be at the Acropolis Museum in Athens you can relish its beauty accompanied by scans of Schwab’s works on permanent display. Choose the right destination and enjoy a unique journey to Greek ancient history.

Katherine A Schwab's Parthenon Marbles drawings visit Omaha, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating
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  1. ROBINRILE said,

    01.02.15 at 2:42 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Katherine A Schwab’s Parthenon Marbles drawings visit Omaha Nebraska’s Lied Gallery http://t.co/yVvV4ntsiP

  2. Maria Pullinger Koutsikou said,

    01.03.15 at 7:56 pm

    Maria Pullinger Koutsikou liked this on Facebook.

  3. rogueclassicist said,

    01.04.15 at 8:27 pm

    Katherine A Schwab’s Parthenon Marbles drawings visit Omaha

  4. anthonykava said,

    01.04.15 at 8:30 pm

    RT @rogueclassicist: Katherine A Schwab’s Parthenon Marbles drawings visit Omaha

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