January 16, 2006

Parthenon Marbles exhibition in Frankfurt

Posted at 1:54 pm in Elgin Marbles

The Melina Mercouri Foundation & the Greek Ministry of Culture have organised the display of an exhibition in Frankfurt, highlighting the issues surrounding the return of the Parthenon Marbles.

Macedonian Press Agency

Thessaloniki, 16 January 2006 (15:55 UTC+2)

An exhibition organized by the Greek Culture Ministry and the Melina Mercouri Foundation on the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece will take place in Frankfurt City Hall on January 19-February 5 at the initiative of the network of Greek expatriate elected officials to local government posts in Europe.

The exhibition organizers aspire to brief the European citizens on Greece’s demand shared by hundreds of distinguished Europeans, Britons included, for the return of the Parthenon Marbles to their place of origin.

The exhibition has acquired special interest after the recent positive development on the Parthenon Marbles issue when the University of Heidelberg stated that it intends to return part of the Parthenon frieze to Greece by the end of the year.

Similar exhibitions were held successfully in the past at the Council of Europe in Strasburg, the Megaron Music Hall in Athens, the European Parliament and UNESCO.

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