April 24, 2012

Metope Of The Annunciation goes on display in the Acropolis Museum

Posted at 5:21 pm in Acropolis, New Acropolis Museum

The Metope Of The Annunciation, which was previously undergoing restoration after being removed from the Parthenon is to go on public display in the New Acropolis Museum.

Greek Reporter

Metope Of The Annunciation To Be Exhibited At The Acropolis Museum
By Fani Toli on March 13, 2012

The 32nd metope of the Annunciation, that has been removed from the Parthenon temple atop the Athens Acropolis for conservation, will be exhibited at the Acropolis Museum of Athens on the 25th of March.

The 32nd metope from the southwestern side of the Parthenon, a Classical Era temple dedicated to the mythical goddess Athena, is known as the metope of the Annunciation because it was thought to resemble the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and it is the first time that it is being exhibited at the Acropolis museum.

On the 25th of March, the Acropolis Museum will be open to the public from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m., while the Athens Philharmonic Orchestra will perform at 17:00 on the ground floor of the museum.

Moreover, the program ‘A day at the Acropolis Museum is still going on, while a series of concerts are being presented on the second floor of the museum.

Concerts’ Details:

– March 8th, 5pm: “The National School meets Baroque”, Echo String-Guitar Quintet.

– March 15th, 5pm: ‘Traditional Greek ways and Baroque”, Duo Arioso ( guitar / flute ).

– March 22nd, 5pm: “Orient Express: Greek ways in the Balkans and Vienna”

– March 29th, 5pm: “Heptanesian composers of the National School meet Romantics”, “Metallon” brass quintet.

– April 5th, 5pm: “Greek and Turkish composers of Constantinople”.

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