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New Acropolis Museum to receive EU funding

Now that the New Acropolis Museum is definitely going ahead, the Greek Government is hoping to include it in the list of projects financed by the 3rd Community support fund.

Hellenic Embassy Press Office [1]

New Acropolis Museum to be included in 3rd Community Support Fund
30 September, 2004

The new Acropolis Museum will be included in the list of projects to be financed by the 3rd Community Support Fund. The technical report for the museum as well as a cost/benefit analysis has been sent to the Ministries of the Economy and of Finance respectively. The museum will cost approximately 85 million euro, 50% of which amount will by funded by the EU and 50% by Greece.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Culture, a re-structuring of the Board of Directors of the Organization for the Construction of the New Acropolis Museum is in progress as is the reissue of a presidential decree regarding its operation. Re-structuring of the museum’s management as well as the supervision of the project will also take place, deemed essential if the New Acropolis Museum project is to be approved by the EU.