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Tschumi to lecture at Royal C0llege of Art

New Acropolis Museum designer Bernard Tschumi is giving a talk at the Royal College of Art in London on the crossover between Architecture & Film – a them the he has developed in many of his buildings.

Royal College of Art [1]

Double Take Architecture Talk

Series of talks looking at the crossover between architecture and film. John Maybury (pictured) began his career as an artist, experimental filmmaker, and influential music-video director. Yet he was to achieve cult acclaim as a director with his 1998 film about Francis Bacon, ‘Love is The Devil’. His next film, ‘The Edge of Love’, is about the poet Dylan Thomas and stars Sienna Miller and Keira Knightley.

Bernard Tschumi’s numerous writings continue to shape a whole generation of young architects. He successfully drew together theories of film and architecture through projects like the Manhattan Transcripts. He is currently completing the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece.

Talks are free and open to the public but tickets must be booked in advance by email: architecture@rca.ac.uk

Venue: Lecture Theatre One

Tuesday 12 February 2008 7pm-8pm