January 13, 2011

Cusco Students are pleased with the agreement with Yale University over Inca artefacts

Posted at 2:08 pm in Similar cases

Students at Peru’s University of San Antonio Abad in Cusco are proud that their university has been selected as the destination to house the Inca artefacts once they are returned by Yale University.

Wide PR

December 08, 2010
Escaped to Peru
Cusco Students Approve of Inca Artifacts Deal With Yale

Peru has improved since the signing of a deal between Yale University and the Peruvian Government for the return of Inca artifacts from Machu Picchu.
Students in the Andean city of Cusco, Peru feel that the American University of Yale has responded well to their protests for the return of around 40 thousand artifacts. The artifacts were removed from the famous archaeological site of Machu Picchu in the 1920’s.

The associated press recently announced that a tentative deal had been agreed between Yale and the Peruvian Government for a return of all artifacts.

The deal has been well received by the former protesters. “I’m very happy that Yale University has listen to our protests,” said Eduardo Jiminez, 22, Engineering Student at the University of San Antonio Abad in Cusco. “The artifacts from Machu Picchu form an important part of Peru’s cultural heritage.”

The deal was in response to angry protests that left streets in Cusco gridlocked at the beginning of November. Over 3 thousand students marched along every major street in the city with banners saying, “Yale, return our artifacts”.

“Our offices are based on Avenue Garcilaso, one of the main streets in Cusco,” explained Gary Sargent, Managing Director of tour operator Escaped To Peru.

“We watched a huge student procession pass outside our window with people shouting, ‘Yankees, thieves, return our artifacts’,” Mr. Sargent said, “They were clearly very angry.”

Peruvian president Alan Garcia announced that all artifacts would be returned to Peru for storage, display and study in the University of San Antonio Abad. Mr. Garcia also confirmed that Yale scholars would continue to collaborate on studies involving the artifacts.

“We’re also very proud that the University has been chosen to store the artifacts,” said Francisco Quispe, 21, Engineering student at San Antonio Abad. “These items should be kept as close as possible to the original site.”

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