January 26, 2015

Greek government receives money from Germany

Posted at 1:56 pm in Similar cases

Not the headline you were expecting given the current political events.

Actually, its some much older looted coins, which were smuggled out of the country 7 seized from a car en-route to Munich.

Ancient Greek coins repatriated by Germany

Ancient Greek coins repatriated by Germany

Greek Reporter

Repatriation of 2,607 Seized Ancient Greek Coins From Germany
by A. Makris – Jan 24, 2015

A total of 2,607 ancient coins seized on September 9, 2011, in the luggage of a Greek citizen travelling by car to Munich have been repatriated from Germany, according to a Greek Culture Ministry announcement.

Members of an antiquities smuggling criminal organization dismantled in March 2012 were involved in the case.

According to the announcement, most of the coins are made of cooper and date back to the Classical, Hellenistic, Roman and post-Roman period.
(source: ana-mpa)

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  1. ByzantJustice said,

    01.26.15 at 2:25 pm

    @elginism’ Stolen money returned to Greece from Germany’ would have been more accurate

  2. ByzantJustice said,

    01.26.15 at 2:32 pm

    @elginism Though legally ‘loted’ is different than ‘stolen’. Apropos law, Germany became an art smuggle hub lately because of lax laws?

  3. Valerie Vegas said,

    01.27.15 at 7:56 pm

    Valerie Vegas liked this on Facebook.

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