November 18, 2010

The British Museum holds more looted Chinese artefacts than any other institution

Posted at 10:08 pm in British Museum, Similar cases

For some time, China has been trying to catalogue the vast numbers of looted Chinese artefacts that have ended up in museums & private collections around the world. Based on data from UNESCO, it appears that of all the Museums holding disputed artefacts, the British Museum has by far the most with twenty three thousand in its collection (only two thousand of which are part of its permanent displays).

People’s Daily

British Museum holds highest number of looted Chinese relics
15:57, October 25, 2010

Data from the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) shows that a total of more than 1.6 million Chinese cultural relics looted in the past are now housed in 47 museums worldwide, and the British Museum collected the largest number of them.

Currently, it has collected a total of 23,000 Chinese relics, and about 2,000 Chinese relics are on long-term display in the museum.

The British Museum’s collections of Chinese relics contains all types of art spanning across the entire history of China, including block-print editions, paintings and calligraphy as well as jade articles, bronze wares, pottery and ornaments.

Nine-tenths of the total 23,000 rare and ancient Chinese treasures are kept in 10 exhibition rooms in the museum. Ordinary tourists do not have the opportunity to see them unless they have special permission.

The British Museum holds more looted Chinese artefacts than any other institution, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating
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  1. Dyana said,

    09.18.21 at 8:31 am

    Greetings. To the people of ASIA all artifacts should be returned back from all museums private collectors. The governments have much to do with this for if they really wanted these items returned they have the power to seek the return of all items that belong to Asia. I am a seer and know that many things on this planet are very unbalanced. I am aware that corruption in all governments around the world.. It would be the honorable way to do is return the items. Blessings Dyana

  2. Jon said,

    08.09.22 at 8:54 am

    British should return Chinese artifacts to China. They have no right to display and own them. Items are all stolen. Do what is right and return what does not belong to you

  3. Jimmy ritchiev said,

    02.03.23 at 10:59 am

    The looted Chinese relics and artifacts should be returned to China as the UK has always claimed the higher moral ground. These museum displays are nothing but purely evil displays of the barbarism of the past much on par like king drug lords showing off stacks upon stacks of ill gotten wealth. It is unethical and sickening.

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