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The Elgin Marbles issue exposes the SNP’s duplicity

John Huntley’s letter last week [1] has prompted this response, highlighting the differences in the approach of the Scottish National Party between cases where they can gain politically (such as the Lewis Chessmen [2]) & cases where they believe that supporting it will not help drive their nationalist agenda (sch as the Elgin Marbles). This is a clear case of politics over-riding any moral or factual reasoning that might lie behind either of the cases.

The Scotsman [3]

Marbles expose SNP
Saturday, 12th July 2008

John A K Huntley’s thought provoking Alternative Take (8 July) on the Elgin or Parthenon Marbles exposes Alex Salmond’s government for what it is in relation to Scotland’s supposed influence and power for good in the world.

It is quite clear that where there is political capital to be had from talking up all things Scottish, SNP government ministers will assume the moral high ground and pontificate relentlessly to those who might listen. However, suggest a situation where an eminent Scottish personality might be deemed to have acted beyond the pale, and the SNP doesn’t want to know. Even where the outcome (however unlikely) could have resulted in the repatriation to Athens of artefacts held in a British Institution.

Compare their reaction to Mr Huntley with the debates surrounding the Lewis Chessmen or the Stone of Destiny (neither of which were “stolen” from their original locations) and one can only marvel at the SNP’s political gymnastics.

Baird Terrace