Showing 10 results for the tag: DPA.

January 10, 2011

Greece maintains that their demand is for permanent return of the Parthenon Marbles

Posted at 2:10 pm in British Museum, Elgin Marbles

Despite earlier reports to the contrary suggesting Greek position on the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles might have changed, statements since then by the Greek Culture Ministry state that this is not the cases & that the report in The Times misrepresents their position.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Greece remains firm in demand for permanent return of marbles
Dec 6, 2010, 20:55 GMT

Athens – Greece remained steadfast Monday in its demand for the permanent return of the Parthenon Marbles to the new museum in Athens, denying newspaper reports that said it would forgo its claim for a long-term loan of the artefacts.

In a recent report, The Times newspaper said: ‘Greece was trying to break decades of stalemate with Britain over the Elgin Marbles by dropping its long-standing claim to ownership of the sculptures in return for the British Musuem sending the Acropolis artefacts back to Athens on a long-term loan.’
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January 5, 2010

Egyptian antiquities conference will aid other restitution campaigns

Posted at 2:08 pm in Similar cases

A forthcoming conference on cultural property organised by Egypt will hopefully help the cause of many other restitution campaigns across Africa & Asia.

Deutsche Presse Agentur

Egypt to aid return of stolen Asian, African artifacts (Roundup)
By Shabtai Gold Dec 23, 2009, 15:34 GMT

Cairo – Egypt’s antiquities chief announced plans on Wednesday for a conference to help coordinate the strategy of African and Asian countries who had artifacts ‘stolen’ from them.

‘At the end of March we will hold a conference to meet with others who suffered like us from stolen artifacts and to discuss how to help all of us in efforts to return the stolen artifacts,’ said Zahi Hawass, the secretary general of Egypt’s Supreme Council for Antiquities.
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August 10, 2009

Film depiction of iconoclasm on the Athenian Acropolis will not be censored

Posted at 12:46 pm in Elgin Marbles, Greece Archaeology, New Acropolis Museum

Following coverage of the decision to censor parts of a film on show in the New Acropolis Museum, it now appears that the decision has been reached that for the time being, the film can continue to be shown in its original un-edited version.

Deutsche Presse Agentur

Acropolis Museum decides to leave film of priests hacking Acropolis
Europe News
Aug 5, 2009, 10:52 GMT

Athens – The new Acropolis Museum decided to leave a short film, depicting long-robed Christians hacking away at the Acropolis, uncut despite angry protests by the powerful Greek Orthodox Church, reports said Wednesday.

Just weeks after its opening, the new museum released an informative short film to visitors about the history of the 5th century BC Parthenon temple which shows figures in long robes hacking away at the monument.
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August 7, 2009

How did the Codex Sinaiticus end up leaving Saint Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai?

Posted at 1:04 pm in Similar cases

It is often stated that the Codex Sinaiticus was removed illegally from St Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai desert. Christfried Boettrich, a University of Greifswald theologian suggests that this is not the case though.

Whether or not the Codex was looted however, few could argue that the pages of a book split between different countries makes any real sense. Efforts should be made to reunifiy it because it is the sensible thing to do – the story in one place makes far more sense than the story spread between different locations.

Deutsche Presse Agentur

Scholar rejects Egypt claim to oldest Bible – Feature
Posted : Tue, 04 Aug 2009 02:08:37 GMT
Author : DPA

Greifswald, Germany – The extraordinary tale of how a German pastor discovered the world’s oldest book and arranged its removal from Egypt has been told in full for the first time in a new book. It was published in time for the completion in July of an online reconstruction of the 4th century Christian bible, known as the Codex Sinaiticus.

The actual pages of the Codex which are scattered between London, Leipzig, St Petersburg and the Sinai. A codex means a bound book, as distinct from a scroll.
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June 18, 2009

The New Acropolis Museum will be a worthy rival to the British Museum

Posted at 1:03 pm in Elgin Marbles, New Acropolis Museum

Coverage of the opening of the New Acropolis Museum has now started, with the first opening events beginning yesterday.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur

New Acropolis Museum opens – worthy rival to British Museum (Feature)
Europe Features
By Christine Pirovolakis Jun 17, 2009, 23:56 GMT

Athens – To design a museum that is accessible and welcoming is a daunting task for any architect. To create one to stand at the foot of the Acropolis, revered as one of the great achievements of man, could be considered a nightmare.

In accepting the challenge, Swiss-born architect Bernard Tschumi pulled off an impressive accomplishment – a building that is majestic, while complementing the architectural grandeur of the Parthenon.
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May 29, 2009

2,350 tonnes of marbles used in Acropolis restoration

Posted at 7:24 pm in Acropolis, Greece Archaeology

As a high precision modern restoration project using the latest technology, the Acropolis Restoration project that has been running for the last 30 years must be without parallel. Some of the work was needed to negate previous problematic restoration works on the site, but much of it was necessary purely to stabilise the buildings & re-incorporate new fragments that had been excavated from the site.

Deutsche Presse Agentur

2,350 tons of marble restored, replaced for Acropolis restoration
Europe News
May 29, 2009, 13:32 GMT

Athens – Some 2,350 tons of marble were restored or replaced over the past three decades for the massive project to restore the ancient Acropolis monuments, reports said Friday.

Maria Ioannidou, a senior Culture Ministry official was quoted by the Greek daily Kathimerini as saying more than 1,000 architects and archaeologists restored or replaced a total of 2,350 tons of marble during the restoration project.
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May 21, 2009

Greece will step up efforts to reunify Elgin Marbles when New Acropolis Museum opens

Posted at 5:16 pm in British Museum, Elgin Marbles, New Acropolis Museum

The New Acropolis Museum represents the most important step forward in the campaign to reunify the Parthenon Marbles since they were originally removed from the Acropolis over two hundred years ago. The heirs of Lord Elgin will not be invited tot he ceremony, although dwelling on this aspect seems to be something led by the press rather than an important part of the opening. If the heirs of Lord Elgin see the museum, maybe they will realsie that it is the best location for the sculptures & put their support behind the reunification campaigns.


Greece steps up marbles bid with new museum opening
Published Date: 21 May 2009
By Renee Maltezou in Athens

GREECE will open a new Acropolis museum in June, with the aim of bringing back historical artefacts exhibited in the British Museum in London.
Greece has long campaigned to retrieve the Parthenon sculptures, saying they were an integral part of one of the world’s most important monuments, but the British Museum has refused to return the treasures.

The Acropolis museum, built below the Parthenon and the other classical age marble temples of the Acropolis, has experienced years of delay with legal battles and missed deadlines plaguing its construction.
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May 19, 2009

Looted artefacts returned to Greece by Germany, UK & Belgium

Posted at 4:45 pm in Greece Archaeology, Similar cases

Various looted artefacts seized by customs officials in Germany have now been returned to Greece, along with a fragment taken in the 1950s by a British tourist. This return of ancient fragments by the public is similar to another recent case in Rome involving a fragment of the Colosseum.

Deutsche Presse Agentur

Greece recovers stolen antiquities from Germany, Belgium, Britain
Posted : Tue, 19 May 2009 13:59:53 GMT
Author : DPA
Category : Culture (General)

Athens – Germany, Belgium and Breitain have returned hundreds of priceless artifacts to Greece, the oldest a 5th century coin, Greek Culture Ministry officials said Tuesday. Among the items retuned from Germany included 96 copper and ceramic pots and vessels, dating from the 3rd or 4th century BC from Thessaly, in northern Greece.

Officials said the items were seized by customs authorities at Nuremberg, Germany in 2007 in a truck arriving from Greece.
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April 4, 2009

Earth Hour starts at the Acropolis

Posted at 1:01 pm in Acropolis

The Acropolis in Athens was chosen as the starting point for Earth Hour – something that highlights the international significance that a building well over 2000 years old still continues to hold today.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Lights dimmed on the Acropolis for Earth Hour
Science News

Athens – Lights went out on the Acropolis for Earth Hour 2009, and hundreds of residents in the Athens neighborhood of Plaka walked around with lanterns beneath the ancient rock for an hour to highlight the threat from climate change.

Environmental group WWF, which started the global event to turn out the lights at prominent landmarks, homes and businesses, is hoping 1 billion people will take part this year to draw attention to climate change.
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November 5, 2008

More on the Vatican fragment loan

Posted at 5:54 pm in Elgin Marbles

Some further coverage of the loan to Greece of a Parthenon Frieze fragment by the Vatican.

Dorothy King has covered this & posted some images of the frieze fragment (& of the other two fragments that remain in the Vatican) on her website.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Vatican returns fragment of Parthenon Marbles to Greece
Submitted by Mohit Joshi on Wed, 11/05/2008 – 14:29.

Athens – The Vatican returned a small fragment of the Parthenon Marbles to Athens Wednesday on a one-year loan, setting in motion what Greece hopes will be a precedent for the British Museum to return the sculptures it has.

“This is a gesture from one of the most important museums in Europe,” Greek Culture Minister Michalis Liapis said.
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