Showing 7 results for the tag: facebook.

June 18, 2011

Marbles Reunited on Twitter & Facebook

Posted at 6:23 pm in Elgin Marbles, Marbles Reunited

As part of an ongoing update of their website & social media strategy, the UK based Marbles Reunited campaign are now using twitter. They have also changed from the old Facebook group (now closed to new members) to a new Facebook Page, which should allow for more frequent updates on what is happening with the campaign.

If you support the campaign & use twitter or Facebook, you are encouraged to follow them / become a fan, to keep up with the latest developments.

Follow them on twitter – here.
Become a fan on Facebook – here.

Their website is still:

October 19, 2010

Receive updates to Elginism by email

Posted at 1:34 pm in Elgin Marbles

At the request of some readers, I’ve added the option to receive updates to this website automatically by email. You can do this by clicking on the link near the base of the list of links on the right hand side, below the heading Meta.

You can also if you prefer still follow updates on Twitter or Facebook.

August 14, 2010

The American Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures on Facebook

Posted at 10:01 am in Elgin Marbles

The American Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures now has a page on Facebook, that Facebook users can use to follow the updates to their campaign. Visit the page here.

This is in addition to their main website, which you can still access here.

It is worth reminding people that Elginism is also available to follow on Facebook & Twitter so that you can have the articles appear straight in your newsfeed.

November 29, 2009

Elginism on Flickr

Posted at 12:28 pm in Elgin Marbles, New Acropolis Museum

In addition to this site, for some time now it has been possible to follow Elginism on its associated Twitter feed & Facebook page. In an attempt to increase the multimedia aspects of the site, you can now also join Elginism’s Flickr photostream. At present the photostream consists of archive images – some of which I’ve already made available through other sources. In the coming months though I hope to further integrate these various aspects of the site so that they tie in more closely to the main site.

A youtube channel for Elginism will also be available soon.

View Elginism’s photostream on Flickr here.

Current photosets include:

September 15, 2009

Become a fan of Elginism on Facebook

Posted at 8:13 pm in Elgin Marbles

There is now a fan page for Elginism on Facebook.

Obviously, this doesn’t mean that you are a fan of the concept of Elginism & encourage looting and destruction of ancient sites – more that you support the aims of this site and its attempts to publicise restitution claims, in particular that of the Elgin Marbles in the British Museum.

View the page and become a fan here.

August 3, 2008

Elginism on Facebook

Posted at 11:36 am in Elgin Marbles

Blogs can now be added to Facebook. You can add yourself as a reader of Elginism here.

It might be worth at this point also explaining (following various queries from people), what the link on the left hand side of the main page of this website saying Entries RSS is for. This link is actually a very handy way of keeping track of what has been posted on this website (or for that matter on others, as many sites now have this feature). The RSS link leads you to a news feed (essentially the text of the posts, without all the formatting & site surrounding them). The clever part though, is that there are various programs that can download the new items from the site, so that you don’t have to keep going back to it to see if there is anything new.

I won’t try & explain all the details of how to use it here – the BBC’s website has a good tutorial on the subject. Websites such as Bloglines allow you to look at a variety of new feeds online without having to add a separate program for viewing them.

May 9, 2008

Marbles Reunited meets Facebook

Posted at 1:07 pm in Elgin Marbles, Marbles Reunited

The Marbles Reunited campaign has an associated Facebook group which is open to all who support the campaign for reunification of the Elgin Marbles in Athens.

If you are a supporter & a member of Facebook, then you are encouraged to become a fan of the organisation. (Note that this is not the same as full membership of the Marbles Reunited campaign. Any who join the group are encouraged to become members, but it is not obligatory). If you join, please also encourage any friends you have who might be interested in it to also become members – the more people who join, the greater the awareness of the campaign.

The Facegroup page is located here.

Marbles Reunited’s website is located here.