Showing 3 results for the tag: LaserACT.

August 18, 2010

Lasers used to clean the sculptures from the Acropolis

Posted at 1:12 pm in Acropolis, Greece Archaeology

An interesting article on the use of newly developed laser cleaning techniques being used on some of the Acropolis Sculptures.

Crete Gazette

Ancient Greek statues restored with laser developed in Crete

The innovative Greek know-how has played an important role in the fine conservation and restoration of the Ancient Greek statues and artefacts in Acropolis before they were exposed at the New Acropolis Museum.

Specialized technicians cleaned the grand relieves at the restoration laboratory in the Acropolis with a new laser developed in Crete; what the hi tech Englishmen didn’t manage to do after so many years of storing the marbles of the Acropolis, was achieved due to the inspiration and love of the Greeks, within a small period of time.
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November 7, 2008

Cleaning the Parthenon

Posted at 1:47 pm in Acropolis, Greece Archaeology

As part of the Acropolis restoration, research is being done into the use of lasers for cleaning the structural elements of the building in a similar way to the sculptures.

Russia Today

November 6, 2008, 17:05
Athens’ Acropolis to shine again

One of the world’s most cherished monuments is undergoing a long-overdue and well-deserved pampering.

Decades of pollution from cars and industry wreaked upon on the Greek capital have caused a dense, black coating encrusting the marble of the temples of the Acropolis.
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October 18, 2008

Hi-tech restoration techniques used on Acropolis

Posted at 2:15 pm in Acropolis, Greece Archaeology

Following the use of laser cleaning techniques on the Greek Parthenon Sculptures, similar techniques are now going to be used on some of the buildings on the Acropolis site. The restoration of the Acropolis is probably the most technically advanced large scale projects of its type anywhere in the world – showing that although mistakes may have been made in the past, Greece is now very serious about preserving its most important monument.

International Herald Tribune

Greek scientists use lasers to clean Acropolis
Published: October 17, 2008
By Deborah Kyvrikosaios

In the past two and a half thousand years, the temples of the Acropolis have suffered fire, bombing and earthquake. Now, scientists are trying to save them from a new modern enemy: pollution.

Standing on a hilltop at the centre of Athens, a city of 4 million people, the Acropolis’ elaborately sculptured stones have fallen prey to a film of black crust from car exhaust fumes, industrial pollution, acid rain and fires.
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