Showing 1 result for the tag: Models.

May 24, 2010

New Zealand Parthenon replica to head to Athens

Posted at 9:22 pm in Acropolis, New Acropolis Museum

Victoria University School of Architecture in Wellington, New Zealand, has produced ten scale models of various aspects of the Parthenon. These are now being shipped to Athens for display in the New Acropolis Museum.

Stuff (New Zealand)

Parthenon heads from Wellington to Athens
By MIKE WATSON – The Dominion Post

One of the world’s most recognisable buildings has been cut down to size by a Wellington architectural lecturer in models to be exhibited in Athens.

Ten models depicting sculptures and detailed sections of the Parthenon and Acropolis have been made by Victoria University School of Architecture and Design lecturer Jeni Mihova, and graduates Jordan Wisniewski and Matt Fraser.
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