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Wifi access on the Acropolis

People who are visiting the Acropolis in Athens in an accademic capacity, will now be able to access a Wifi network up there.

It remains to be seen how good the coverage is, and in these days of 3G and reduced intra-EU roaming charges, its less vital than it once was, but still a welcome development nonetheless.

Entrance path to the Acropolis [1]

Entrance path to the Acropolis

Greek Reporter [2]

Acropolis Visitors Get Wi-Fi Access
By Anastassios Adamopoulos –
Aug 6, 2015

The ancient Athenian site just got an important contemporary update to its environment.

Professors, researchers and students of educational institutions around the world will now have access to the internet upon their visits to the Acropolis. The new option is available thanks to a global roaming access service for members of educational institutions called Eduroam.

The Greek Research and Technology Network, which belongs to the Greek Ministry of Education, and the Acropolis Restoration Service of the Greek Ministry of Culture, helped launch the project.

The Athens-Macedonian News Agency reports that the Greek Research and Technology Network believes that with this new access the foundations for the development of online applications related to the Acropolis are being laid.