Showing results 61 - 72 of 97 for the category: Events.

March 20, 2012

Whose Past? Debate on repatriation of artefacts and reburial of human remains

Posted at 1:47 pm in Events, Similar cases

Durham University is organising a debate on the ethics of repatriation of human remains from museums.

Durham university

Durham University Archaeology Society Conference 2012
Whose Past? An Interdisciplinary debate on the repatriation of artefacts and reburial of human remains
Saturday April 28th 2012 10am-5pm

Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Dawson Building, Durham University Science Site

Durham University Archaeology Society presents a one day interdisciplinary conference to be held at Durham University involving the Archaeology, Anthropology, Philosophy and Law departments from Durham and Newcastle University and selected guest speakers. This year’s theme ‘Whose Past? An Interdisciplinary debate on the repatriation of artefacts and reburial of human remains’ aims to generate a stimulating debate about the ownership and ethical principles associated with two types of archaeological material; artefacts and human remains, with the focus on the repatriation of artefacts and reburial of human remains.
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March 13, 2012

International colloquy in London on the reunification of the Parthenon Marbles

Posted at 2:11 pm in Elgin Marbles, Events

The British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles is organising (with the help of two other committees), a symposium in London to discuss the repatriation of the Elgin Marbles to Greece.


This conference will be presented jointly by:

  • The British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles
  • The American Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures and
  • The International Organising Committee – Australia – for the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles (inc).

It is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the opening of the Acropolis Museum ( and the occasion of the London Olympics which will start one month later.
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February 16, 2012

Provenance Research Training Program – Workshop in Germany

Posted at 6:44 pm in Events, Similar cases

The Provenance Research Training Program aims to provide training in provenance research & related issues. Their main focus is on Nazi looted artefacts, but other items are also covered. They are holding their first workshop this June in Magdeburg Germany.

See announcement on their website for full details.

Via @keridouglas on Twitter.

Provenance Research Training Program

The Provenance Research Training Program (PRTP)

The Provenance Research Training Program (PRTP) is a project of the European Shoah Legacy Institute (ESLI) created by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs in furtherance of the Holocaust Era Assets Conference held in Prague in 2009 and the resulting Terezin Declaration endorsed by 47 countries. The program focuses on provenance research and related issues concerning Nazi-looted art, Judaica, and other cultural property. It provides advanced training to serve the international community of current and future experts engaged in dealing with issues concerning cultural plunder during the Third Reich, the Holocaust and World War II. Each year the program offers week-long workshops that provide an intensive historical overview of cultural plunder—its evolution and implementation; methodological training, including specialized research in public and private archives; a presentation and discussion of legal concepts and instrumentalities at national and international levels, including political, moral and ethical issues and restitution policies and principles. In addition to facilitating research and providing access to a vast array of information, the program will promote the establishment of international networks of provenance researchers that will bring together experts in all relevant fields and countries.

February 1, 2012

The Athenian Acropolis – from antiquity through to modern times

Posted at 1:53 pm in Acropolis, Events

William St Clair, Author of Lord Elgin and the Marbles, is giving the 21st annual Runciman lecture at Kings College London tomorrow.

Kings College, London

21st Annual Runciman Lecture
Thursday 2 February 2012
Great Hall, Strand Campus, 18.00
Looking at the Athenian Acropolis: from modern times to antiquity
Speaker: William St Clair

William St Clair will discuss the ways in which the Acropolis has historically been interpreted by three main constituencies, the people of Athens, visitors from abroad, and those who only saw Athens in their imaginations with the help of pictures. Beginning in modern times when current viewing conventions were invented, and going back through chronological layers, he suggests how his approach can improve our understanding of how the Acropolis was understood in antiquity.

His starting point is that it was the viewers who made the meanings.
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January 24, 2012

Thursday evening concerts at the New Acropolis Museum

Posted at 9:20 am in Events, New Acropolis Museum

Music concerts are going to be held in the New Acropolis Museum every Thursday evening in February.

Athens News

Manos Hatzidakis musical soirees at Acropolis Museum
23 Jan 2012

Musical soirees featuring the work of Greek composers Manos Hatzidakis are to be held at the Acropolis Museum on Thursday evenings throughout February, as part of the museum’s “One Day at the Acropolis Museum” programme.

The performances, organised in collaboration with the Athens municipality’s Technopolis organisation, will take place at 5p.m. on February 2, 9, 16 and 23, on the second-floor terrace of the museum, with a view of the Archaic Sculpture gallery. (AMNA/Athens News)

January 4, 2012

Chasing Aphrodite – event in Washington

Posted at 2:07 pm in Events, Similar cases

The authors of Chasing Aphrodite, Jason Felch and Ralph Frammolino are taking part in an event in Washington to discuss looted antiquities and transparency in American museums.

National Press Club

Chasing Aphrodite: Investigative Journalists Track Down Looted Antiquities
January 24, 2012 6:00 PM

This is a ticketed event. Click here to jump to the ticket form.

Investigative journalists to analyze looted antiquities, and museum transparency

Jason Felch and Ralph Frammolino, investigative journalists and authors of “Chasing Aphrodite: The Hunt for Looted Antiquities at the World’s Richest Museum” will join Gary Vikan, director of the Walters Art Museum and Arthur Houghton, a former curator at the Getty Museum, to discuss looted antiquities and transparency in American museums at 6 p.m. Jan. 24 in the National Press Club ballroom.
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December 6, 2011

Lecture in New South Wales on excavations surrounding Mentor wreck

Posted at 1:43 pm in Elgin Marbles, Events

There will be a lecture in Sydney about excavations made last summer of the ship, the Mentor, that carried some of the Elgin Marbles from Greece to the UK.

Radio Symban

Public Lecture, Wreck of the Mentor: The Mentor shipwreck, its cargo of Parthenon Marbles, 1800’s salvage and 2011 excavation

In 1802 the small brig Mentor was wrecked on the island of Kythera, Greece. Its stated cargo consisted of 17 crates of the Parthenon Marbles en-route from Piraeus to England via Malta. Over the next two years Lord Elgin spent a small fortune recovering the Marbles using Greek sponge divers. It was long suspected however that there were other undocumented antiquities aboard the vessel which were not recovered. Previous archaeological investigations had been inconclusive.

In July an excavation led by Dr. Kourkoumelis of the Ephorate of Marine Antiquities, Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Greece with three Australian volunteers recovered a number of ancient coins as well as personal items belonging to the crew. The similarities of the Mentor wreck-site with the Queensland wrecks of the HMS Pandora (1792) and Foam (1893) contributed to the decision to excavate in the area most likely to contain the long anticipated antiquities.

The talk is being generously supported by the Kytherian Association of Australia, in conjunction with the Sydney Friends of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens. Excavations have been supported by the Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust & Kytherian Association of Australia. Refreshments are being sponsored by Fardoulis Chocolates.

Theatre 101
New Law School Building
Eastern Avenue, University of Sydney
Wednesday, 7 December 2011, 7pm for a 7:30pm start
by Cos Coroneos and John Fardoulis

For more information about the Mentor project see:

Cost: A five dollar donation to the project would be appreciated!

February 2, 2011

Influence – a play about the arrival of the Elgin Marbles in Britain

Posted at 2:23 pm in Elgin Marbles, Events

A play on in Victoria, British Columbia, is set during the arrival of the Parthenon Marbles in Britain in 1817, when a young John Keats visits them for the first time.

Intrepid Theatre presents:
by Janet Munsil

March 4-5 & March 9-12, 8pm
Sunday Matinees + talkback: March 6 + 13, 2 pm
At the Metro Studio (Quadra at Johnson), Victoria BC
TICKETS $25: or call 250 590 6291

“A winner. . .I can’t wait for the day that Janet Munsil’s Influence will extend across the seas to be presented where it’s set, in London.” Vancouver Sun

Audiences in Victoria, BC will get a rare chance to see internationally renowned Victoria playwright Janet Munsil’s latest work, Influence, when the play makes its Victoria premiere at the Metro Studio in March.
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December 7, 2010

International colloquium on the protection & return of cultural property

Posted at 2:59 pm in Elgin Marbles, Events, New Acropolis Museum, Similar cases

On Friday 10th December, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Greece is hosting an International colloquium on the protection & return of Cultural Property.

It is to take place in the ampitheatre of the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, from 12:30 to 19:30.

The event is organised by the University of Athens, Acropolis Museum, Foundation for International Legal Studies & the Council of Hellenes Abroad.

Please contact me directly if you would like further information about this event, as I only have it in PDF format.

November 11, 2010

Lecture in Bristol – Human Remains: objects to study or ancestors to bury?

Posted at 2:22 pm in Events, Similar cases

Tiffany Jenkins (who was also one of the organisers of this event) is giving a talk this evening at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery about the ethical issues surrounding human remains in museums.

Bristol City Council

Human Remains: objects to study or ancestors to bury?
Thursday 11November 2010 7.30 –9pm
Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
Speaker: Dr Tiffany Jenkins


Cultural sociologist Dr Tiffany Jenkins explores the ethical questions surrounding museums and the holding and display of human remains. What is respectful treatment? How should they be displayed? Should human remains be repatriated?

Dr Tiffany Jenkins is arts and society director of the Institute of Ideas. Her book ‘Contesting Human Remains: Museums and the Crisis of Cultural Authority’ is out Autumn 2010.

November 10, 2010

Talk on the Elgin Marbles by Worcester Anglo-Hellenic Club

Posted at 2:49 pm in Elgin Marbles, Events, Greece Archaeology

There is a talk about the Parthenon Marbles organised by Worcester Anglo-Hellenic Club on November 25th.

Worcester News

Worcester Anglo-Hellenic Club
3:44pm Tuesday 9th November 2010

AT the October meeting, members and guests of the monthly Greek interest club enjoyed a highly informative travelogue from Leigh and Celia Canham entitled Lesbos.

During the first half, Leigh gave a whistle-stop tour in pictures and words of the third largest but little-known island in the northeast Aegean known as the Emerald isle, due to its green and lush appearance. To aid enjoyment, the locally distilled aniseed aperitif ouzo was on hand for sampling.
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November 8, 2010

English Language tour of the New Acropolis Museum for parents & children

Posted at 9:12 pm in Events, New Acropolis Museum

On Saturday 13th November, there will be a tour (in English) of the New Acropolis Museum aimed at (older) children & their parents. If you are interested in attending, contact the organisers on their website.

Livin’ Lovin’

Young and beautiful at the Acropolis Museum (En)

Being a parent is a handful!!!

Being a parent of a teenager is a HUGE handful!!! Taking a teenager to a museum is ……(you know…). We know, we’ve been there and still are. In order to make your life easier, we had an idea: why not organize a tour of the Acropolis museum, especially designed for young people and their parents? What that means is a very experienced and highly qualified guide (who is a mother of a teenager herself) who knows exactly how to present the museum in a way that will keep everyone happy and motivated. The visit will be on Saturday 13th of November at 11:00 am and please apply soon, because we want to have time to plan ahead.

The guided tour will be in English and it’s not to be missed.