November 18, 2010
E-petition for the return of the Elgin Marbles from the British Museum to Athens
The Bring Them Back campaign for the reunification of the surviving Parthenon Marbles in the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, hopes to collect one million signatures on the petition on their website by the end of this year.
PR Newswire
E-petition for the return of the Elgin Marbles from the British Museum to Athens,E – Petition for the Return of the Parthenon Sculptures (With Video)
ATHENS, Greece, October 21, 2010 /PRNewswire/After an impressive start of 134.000 citizens from around the world having singed the e-petition for the return of the Parthenon sculptures, initiatives and actions are now being intensified to inform the public and enhance participation. The aim of the campaign is to collect 1,000,000 signatures by December 31st, required to set the matter in the European Parliament and thus create international pressure for the return of the sculptures.
The petition voting page along with the promotional video can be found at:
The idea of the petition came from two young girls, Valia and Aspa Papadimitriou who -after Valia’s trip in London and visit to the British Museum- have decided to utilize the power of social media and develop the campaign “BRING THEM BACK!” through social network.The ultimate goal of the petition, which is sponsored by METAXA, is to create a citizens’ movement that unites the voices of everyone who believes this request for the return of the Parthenon sculptures is fair.
`The campaign represents a declaration from citizens around the world, about their own cultural values in the 21st century’ said the campaign’s ambassador, Mr. Nikos Aliagas, `as such, we hope to reach our voting target, promote the efforts of all committees that have contributed to the cause and submit the results of the campaign to the Greek authorities and the British Museum’.
About METAXA – the Proud Sponsor of Bring them Back
METAXA is one brand recognized by millions of people in more than 60 countries; a brand utterly connected to Greece, its country of origin; a brand that remains true to the vision of its founder, Spyros Metaxas. Social responsibility and Greek culture have always been an important part of METAXA’s heritage which expands in three centuries. In its modern history, METAXA is often inspired by the values of Greek culture by supporting institutions and initiatives which promote it within and beyond the borders of Greece. Within the scope of this vision also lies the support of METAXA to “BRING THEM BACK!”. For METAXA the reunification and restoration of the monument – symbol, of the Parthenon, constitutes the restoration of ideals, values and models that apply not only to the Greek, but to the global civilization.
Media Contacts:
Eleni Stefanidou,,
Marina Psychari,
Tel: +30-210-6281800
- Bring Them Back… : August 16, 2010
- Vote for 38 Degrees to petition for the Parthenon Marbles reunification in 2013 : January 15, 2013
- New video about Parthenon Marbles – I Am Greek and I Want to Go Home : August 14, 2012
- Photographer & Composer Ares Kalogeropoulos launches video about the Elgin Marbles : April 24, 2012
- Video coverage of the Parthenon Marbles reunification protest outside the British Museum : October 27, 2010
- Bringing back the Elgin Marbles : June 6, 2010
- A petition for the return of the Parthenon Sculptures to Athens by the start of the London Olympics : May 14, 2012
- Vote to return Parthenon Marbles – in Athens airport : December 3, 2014
penelope demetriades said,
11.25.10 at 2:22 am
very clever -continue your campaign!
Sofia Softas-Nall said,
10.26.11 at 8:42 pm
This is a very inspirational campaign and something i completely agree with! Greece is the country of origin and the sculptures belong in Greece. Keep up the good work.
Wendy Brown said,
05.15.13 at 3:35 am
I wish you all the luck in the world for you to have what rightfully belongs to the Parthenon itself and more importantly the exquisite country of Greece. Kalininkta!
With Warmest Regards, Always
Ms.Wendy Brown
(Avid traveller/ lover of antiquities!
Good Luck and Much Love from Canada!
Allen Spalt said,
07.27.13 at 4:27 pm
It is long past time for the marbles to go home to the new Acropolis museum.
Colin Hunter said,
02.12.14 at 8:34 am
There are very good arguments for keeping the marbles in Britain. No one should sign the petition without considering them. Look up the arguments for and against on Wikipedia.