February 1, 2007

Human chain to raise awareness for Parthenon Marbles

Posted at 12:43 pm in Elgin Marbles

More details on the human chain formed around the Acropolis to raise awareness of the issues surrounding the Elgin Marbles.


31 January 2007
Greeks children form human chain over lost marbles

Around 200 years after Greece lost the Elgin marbles, another campaign has been launched to get them back. Hundreds of schoolchildren linked arms around Athens’ famous Parthenon to demand their return. The missing sculptures were part of the temple.

“I strongly believe we can make a difference, of course there are some people that might be pessimistic but if we really believe in the cause I think we can make a difference.”, said one young protestor.

As well as belonging to the Parthenon, the march organisers say the marbles symbolise the pride and dignity of Greece. Some 65,000 signatures and 900 letters of protest have been sent to the British Museum in London. The Elgin marbles were taken there by the eponymous British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 19th Century.

The museum says it is unable to give them back. Experts also say they are safe from pollution in Athens which has damaged the remains still in situ.

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