April 2, 2014

Unfortunately, the previous post on UNESCO mediation was not accurate

Posted at 12:01 am in British Museum, Elgin Marbles

As many may have spotted, yesterday was April 1st. As a result of this, some of the items I posted, may not have been entirely accurate.

Much as I (and many others) want the British Government & British Museum to enter into the UNESCO mediation process, thus far, there has been nothing except silence from them.

I should also note that Pillory Dour & Henna Biltong are entirely fictional characters, and that any resemblance of them to people working for the British Government & British Museum is entirely coincidental.

So, to make the previous post become reality, more needs to be done to encourage the Government to accept the mediation request. At the moment, they are ignoring it, because they feel comfortable taking this course of action. So, write to your MP, raise awareness, publish stories publicising the lack of response, so that eventually they might feel more inclined to take action.

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  1. EricdeMarylebon said,

    04.02.14 at 12:21 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Unfortunately, yesterday’s post about UNESCO mediation was not entirely accurate http://t.co/MlNbEVr9pG

  2. mat8iou said,

    04.02.14 at 7:03 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Unfortunately, yesterday’s post about UNESCO mediation was not entirely accurate http://t.co/MlNbEVr9pG

  3. lupecz said,

    04.02.14 at 8:14 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Unfortunately, yesterday’s post about UNESCO mediation was not entirely accurate http://t.co/MlNbEVr9pG

  4. Anonomouse1981 said,

    04.02.14 at 8:36 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Unfortunately, yesterday’s post about UNESCO mediation was not entirely accurate http://t.co/MlNbEVr9pG

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