April 12, 2012

3D film about the history of Acropolis at the Acropolis Museum

Posted at 12:56 pm in New Acropolis Museum

The New Acropolis Museum will be displaying a 3D film about the history of the Acropolis Monument. Note that there is an additional charge for this, on top of the normal entry fee for the museum.

Greek Reporter

Acropolis Museum Will Show 3D Film Regarding History of Monument
By Fani Toli on January 30, 2012 in Events, News

A Virtual Theatre in the new Acropolis Museum has been created in order to present films and documentaries with 3D animation regarding the history of restorations of the four monuments of the Acropolis.

The screening of the film ‘Acropolis in Antiquity’ will begin on the 4th and 5th of February at the Hall of Virtual Reality. The film was completed under the guidance of the Acropolis Restoration Service.

The film features Acropolis’ Monuments, providing information for the understanding of the architectural sculptures. The presentation of the film will be held in the English language at 11:00 a.m. and in the Greek language at 12:00 a.m.. The entrance fee will be 1 Euro.

If you are a group with over 10 members, you should call 210 9000903 from Monday through Friday (from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.) in order to make reservations.

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