March 26, 2008

Cultural tourism boost expected from New Acropolis Museum

Posted at 2:03 pm in New Acropolis Museum

Athens has been undergoing a cultural renaissance in recent years, largely brought about by the 2004 Olympics. The opening of the New Acropolis Museum later this year is seen by many in the tourism industry as something that will help make the city more popular as a destination in its own right rather than a stop off on the way to the islands.

Travel Weekly

Greece operators predict cultural tourism boost from New Acropolis Museum
(25 March 2008)

Specialist tour operators to Greece are considering increasing the number of properties they offer in Athens in anticipation of the opening of the New Acropolis Museum.

As cultural tourism becomes more popular, Planet Holidays managing director Mathilde Robert said the opening of the new museum in the autumn should increase the number of visits to the city where currently the operator features a “handful” of luxury properties.

She added: “We are seeing an increase in those looking to combine their break in the Greek sunshine with a few days of cultural enhancement. More and more families are looking to combine their traditional holiday with one that provides some learning too.”

Kosmar Holidays managing director Abhi Dighe added: “As we look to expand our programme to a longer season, Athens would appeal.

“As the leading tour operator to Greece we too are excited by the news and updates regarding the opening of the New Acropolis Museum.

“Our clients staying in the Peloponnese are more likely to visit the city and its antiquities on day excursions but in the future we may look to add Athens in our programme as an add on to island holiday breaks and maybe in its own right too.”
by Edward Robertson

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