November 15, 2014

Greek museum visitor numbers increase in 2014

Posted at 10:05 pm in New Acropolis Museum

The New Acropolis Museum remains the most popular museum in Greece, with 158,581 visitors during the period of measurement – an increase of 36.9% on the same period the previous year.

These figures are related to the Euro zone financial crisis on two levels. Firstly, as the Greek economy is gradually showing some signs of recovery, people are starting to think once again that it is a place worth visiting, rather than fearing that their holiday will be ruined by strikes.

At the same time, the economies of other countries in Europe are also starting to recover, meaning that people are taking weekend city breaks & trips abroad generally more frequently than they were over the last few years.

Acropolis Museum

Acropolis Museum

Greek Reporter

Significant Increase in Visitors and Revenue at Greek Museums and Archaeological Sites
by Aggelos Skordas
Nov 12, 2014

A significant increase exceeding 20% in the attendance as well as the revenue of museums and archaeological sites across Greece in the first seven months of 2014, documented the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT).

ELSTAT data showed that 22.1% more people visited museums during the January-July period, while revenue increased by 28%. At the same time, the archaeological sites across the country saw a visitors’ increase of 22.9% compared to the previous period while revenue increased by 16.1%. It is worth noting that solely on July, 29.8% more people visited museums and 20.2% archaeological sites. During that month, revenue was increased by 33.4% and 13.8% at museums and archaeological sites respectively.

The Acropolis Museum was the most visited during those seven months of 2014, with a total of 158,581 visitors, 36.9% more than last year, when 115,865 people visited the newly constructed museum. The Palace of the Grand Master in the island of Rhodes was the second most visited with 51,232 visitors, almost 10,000 more than 2013, when the number was 41,956, marking an increase of 22.1%. In total, the people who entered Greek museums between January and July 2014 were 499,414, which is 29,8% more than last year, when they did not exceed 384,688.

At the same time, the most visited archaeological site was the Acropolis of Athens with 196,886 visitors in 2014, or 7.9% more than last year (182,418). The second most popular was the Knossos Palace in the southern island of Crete with 120,480 visitors, almost 3,000 less than last year. Knossos was the only archaeological site that recorded a decrease in visitors compared to the previous year.

According to ELSTAT, a total of 2,861,720 people visited museums and archaeological sites in the first seven months of 2014, a 26.3% increase. At the same period last year, this number was 2,265,554. The total revenue for January- July 2014 was some 28.5 million euros, 4.5 million euros more than the same period in 2013.

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  1. EricdeMarylebon said,

    11.15.14 at 10:08 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Greek museum visitor numbers increase in 2014

  2. Valerie Vegas said,

    11.15.14 at 10:41 pm

    Valerie Vegas liked this on Facebook.

  3. Small4W said,

    11.16.14 at 9:07 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Greek museum visitor numbers increase in 2014

  4. Inomla said,

    11.16.14 at 4:24 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Greek museum visitor numbers increase in 2014

  5. Nihil_Novi_Net said,

    11.16.14 at 5:32 pm

    Greek museum visitor numbers increase in 2014

  6. 7CsGOLF said,

    11.17.14 at 7:28 am

    After visiting Greece in the spring, I find this story encouraging: Can’t wait to go back! #Greece @VisitGreecegr

  7. Chuck Sevencsgolf said,

    11.18.14 at 4:11 am

    Chuck Sevencsgolf liked this on Facebook.

  8. OpenAccessArch said,

    11.19.14 at 1:50 am

    Greek museum visitor numbers increase in 2014

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