April 23, 2005

British Museum agrees to loan of Ethiopian holy Tabots

Posted at 12:04 pm in Similar cases

The Ethiopians appear to be doing rather well at reclaiming their heritage at the moment.
Following on from various articles last year about how the Tabots were locked away in the Museum store, where not even the director was allowed to see them, they are now leaving the museum on (permanent?) loan to an Ethiopian church in London.

The British Museum is also co-operating on the development of new museums in Ethiopia.

I’m assuming that this announcement has little to do with the requests made by the Ethiopians earlier this week for the return of various cultural treasures, as this has to have been under discussion for a long time before that. Something seems a bit odd about the timing though, that the two events should occur in such close succession – In some ways it negates the Ethiopians request, as it appears that the BM is doing something to respond to it, whereas if they had made their request a few days later, it could have instead ridden on the back of the publicity surrounding the loan of the Tabots, to highlight how many other items still remained in the museum.

Is this a sign of a softening in approach by the British Museum towards the repatriation of cultural treasures?

The Art Newspaper

Holy tabots to be transferred from British Museum to Ethiopian church
The works will probably never return to the museum

LONDON. The British Museum has agreed to transfer its Ethiopian tabots (or holy tablets) to a church in London. Later this year the Ethiopians are expected to take over a redundant Anglican church, and a crypt or secure room will then be set aside to house the symbolically-charged wooden objects, which represent the Ark of the Covenant. The museum has agreed to a five-year extendible loan and the tabots may well never again return to the museum. The arrangement has the blessing of the Patriarch, Abba Paulos.

As The Art Newspaper recently revealed, the tabots were last year transferred to a special basement store in the BM, where they are currently inaccessible even to staff (October 2004, pp. 15; 18-19). Ten of the 11 tabots are part of the Ethiopian treasures which were seized by British troops at the battle of Maqdala in 1868. Tabots should only be viewed by the clergy, and the BM has decided to respect the views of the Ethiopian church. In a paper presented to museum trustees last year, the basement store is designated as “a secure chapel area”. Few visitors to the BM are aware that beneath their feet lies a chapel of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

In a separate move, the BM has signed agreements with the Ethiopian authorities to help in the development of museums. Last month a delegation to Addis Ababa undertook to assist the University’s Institute of Ethiopian Studies with a conservation survey of its icons and manuscripts. The BM also agreed to help the National Museum of Ethiopia and the ministry of culture in the establishment of an “ethnographic village”. To be built near the airport, this will house displays on the eighty ethnic groups of Ethiopia.

Meanwhile, the University of Edinburgh has rejected a request for the return of five manuscripts which were seized at the battle of Maqdala. The claim was made by Afromet, based at the University of Addis Ababa. However, the Court of the University of Edinburgh decided that Afromet did not represent the original owner, Emperor Tewodros (Theodorus). Edinburgh agreed to continue the dialogue and provide Addis Ababa with microfilm and digital images of the manuscripts. Afromet has condemned the Edinburgh refusal, quoting an Ethiopian embassy in London spokesman as expressing the hope that the manuscripts will return. M.B.

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  1. Jos van Beurden said,

    02.02.15 at 10:35 am

    Can anyone tell me, whether the tabots of the BM really ended up in an EOC churhc in London? And under what conditions?

  2. Matthew said,

    02.02.15 at 1:59 pm

    I don’t know I’m afraid

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