February 27, 2015

Bronze Statuette returned to Oliveriano Archaeological museum

Posted at 1:57 pm in Similar cases

A bronze statuette stolen from an Italian museum has been returned after it was identified at an Auction in New York.

Bronze statuette of Hercules from Oliveriano Archaeological Museum in Pesaro

Bronze statuette of Hercules from Oliveriano Archaeological Museum in Pesaro

BBC News

25 February 2015 Last updated at 16:13
Stolen art returned to Italy from New York

An ancient statuette and an 18th Century painting have been returned to Italy, having turned up in New York decades after being stolen.

The painting, The Holy Trinity Appearing to Saint Clement, is by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, a Venetian artist born in 1696.

Prosecutors believe it was stolen from a house in Turin in 1982.

The bronze statuette of Hercules dates to the 5th or 6th Century and vanished from a Pesaro museum in 1964.

The Tiepolo reappeared at a New York auction in January last year, when it was seized by the FBI.

The statuette was discovered when it was offered for sale by an auction house in Manhattan.

“For decades, two significant pieces of Italian heritage have been on the run,” said FBI assistant director Diego Rodriguez.

Italy has spent the last decade campaigning to retrieve art and cultural artefacts its government says were looted or stolen.

Other countries have also taken action in recent years to reclaim antiquities, sometimes with help from US authorities.

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  1. effiechilia said,

    02.27.15 at 1:59 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Stolen bronze statuette returned to Oliveriano Archaeological museum in Italy http://t.co/mLbxcfW7zO

  2. belzystandley said,

    02.27.15 at 2:05 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Stolen bronze statuette returned to Oliveriano Archaeological museum in Italy http://t.co/mLbxcfW7zO

  3. IstorMacedonian said,

    02.27.15 at 2:06 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Stolen bronze statuette returned to Oliveriano Archaeological museum in Italy http://t.co/mLbxcfW7zO

  4. Christina Papachristodoulou said,

    02.27.15 at 2:26 pm

    Christina Papachristodoulou liked this on Facebook.

  5. Robyn Laird said,

    02.27.15 at 2:26 pm

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  6. Thanasis Fourlis said,

    02.27.15 at 11:26 pm

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  7. Christine Taylor said,

    02.27.15 at 11:26 pm

    Christine Taylor liked this on Facebook.

  8. Inomla said,

    03.01.15 at 4:58 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Stolen bronze statuette returned to Oliveriano Archaeological museum in Italy http://t.co/mLbxcfW7zO

  9. RoseEddy8 said,

    03.02.15 at 6:20 am

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Stolen bronze statuette returned to Oliveriano Archaeological museum in Italy http://t.co/mLbxcfW7zO

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