January 28, 2015

Korean artefacts return from LA County Museum of Art

Posted at 2:16 pm in Similar cases

Two Korean artefact purchased by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art are being returned after being identified as having been illegally removed from the country by a US soldier.

Official seal of Queen Moon-jung

Official seal of Queen Moon-jung

The Korea Times

Two stolen Korean artifacts to be returned home after 65 years
January 26, 2015

Two stolen artifacts will soon return to South Korea after 65 years.

The official seal of Queen Moon-jung, as well as a seal of King Hyeon-jong, were illegally taken by an American soldier during the Korean War.

The seals are currently in the possession of Homeland Security Investigations in Washington, D.C., but will soon begin a process of being returned to Korea, said Korean Assemblyman Ahn Min-seok Saturday.

Ahn is visiting the U.S. concerning a dispute surrounding the final destination of a collection of Korean American artifacts.

Ahn said the Queen Moon-jung seal would be on its way home next month, followed by the King Hyeon-jong seal in March, after reception by the South Korean Embassy in D.C.

The Los Angeles County Museum of Art purchased the two seals in 2000 before they were identified as stolen artifacts and taken by HSI in September 2013.

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1 Comment »

  1. Audaxinv said,

    01.28.15 at 2:33 pm

    RT @elginism: Blog post: Two stolen South Korean artefacts return from LA County Museum of Art http://t.co/6X6MBAqTcP

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