The Nostoi exhibition [1] that has been on display in Italy is moving to the New Acropolis Museum. This exhibition shows looted artefacts that have been recovered by Italy in recent years. Greece & Italy have now agreed to work together in their attempts to retrieve looted artefacts from abroad.
Athens News Agency [2]
Exhibition at Acropolis museumThe Culture ministry will be organising the “Nostoi” exhibition at the New Acropolis Museum in the framework of the Italian President’s visit to Athens.
The exhibition includes the “Nostoi Capolavori Ritrovati” exhibition which was organised by the Presidency of the Italian Republic and was initially presented in Rome (Palazzo del Quirinale, December 2, 2007-March 30, 2008) and then at the Palazzo Poli a Fontana di Trevi and focused on 74 repatriated antiquities from various Museums in the United States.
The exhibition will provide the public with the first taste of the joint effort between Italy and Greece on cracking down on the illegal trafficking of their cultural goods.The exhibition will be accompanied by a detailed scientific catalogue in both the Greek and English language.
The inauguration will be taking place on Wednesday, September 24, at 10:30 a.m.