September 26, 2005

Should the British Museum return the Mold Golden Cape

Posted at 10:55 pm in British Museum, Similar cases

The Welsh political party; Plaid Cymru has called for the Mold Golden Cape to be returned to Wales, rather than being held in the British Museum as it is at present.

News Wales

Call to give golden treasure back to Wales

Plaid Cymru called today for the permanent return to North Wales of a priceless Bronze Age relic – the Mold Golden Cape – as it is displayed in public for the first time in Wales.

The ceremonial solid gold cape was discovered by quarrymen in Mold in 1833, later purchased by the British Museum in London, and forms the centrepiece of an exhibition opening at Wrexham Borough Museum today.

North Wales AM, Janet Ryder, said : “I am very pleased that for the first time the people of north Wales can actually see this priceless treasure on display. However, I think the British Museum should consider making this a permanent loan and that the New Labour Assembly Government should do all in their power to make that happen.”

Ms Ryder commented on a similar case in Ireland:

“If you go around the National Museum in Ireland they have a necklace made of nine gold leaf balls of different sizes, but they only have eight on display because one is missing. In the place where the missing one should be it simply says, ‘This is on display at the British Museum, in London’.

“The determination of the British Museum to keep the national treasures of other countries smacks of the imperial attitude of old. The Elgin Marbles controversy is another example. The Mold Cape is part of the heritage of north Wales, one of our national treasures, and should be permanently on show in the north of Wales.”

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