Showing 2 results for the tag: Bishop Posyrios.

February 17, 2011

Stolen Cypriot icon returned by Boy George

Posted at 2:10 pm in Similar cases

More coverage of the Cypriot icon returned by Boy George after he discovered that it had been looted.


Boy George returns lost icon to Cyprus church
Singer had no idea the religious artefact hanging above his fireplace was looted from a Cypriot church in 1974
Sean Michaels
Thursday 20 January 2011 12.32 GMT

Boy George has returned a stolen Cypriot artefact that had been missing for almost 40 years. The singer said he was unaware that an icon of Jesus Christ which had hung in his living room for decades was looted from a church in Nicosia. Church officials noticed the portrait during a TV interview with Boy George, where it appeared in the background.

The Culture Club singer bought the artefact “with good faith” from a London art dealer in 1985. “[I] have looked after the icon for 26 years,” he told BBC News. “[I’m] happy it is going back to its original rightful home.”
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February 14, 2011

Boy George returns looted Cypriot icon

Posted at 2:03 pm in Similar cases

The singer Boy George has returned an icon that was looted from a Cypriot church. He was not aware that the icon was looted until he was contacted by a Cypriot bishop who saw it in the background during an interview with the singer. The singer decided to return the icon once he found out, as he felt that it was the right thing to do.

Interestingly, he suggested that others should follow his lead and do the right thing – with the comment on twitter:

The Elgin Marbles next?

Tue 18 Jan 19:41

You can see a picture of the bishop with the icon here.

BBC News

19 January 2011 Last updated at 17:32
Boy George returns Christ icon to Cyprus church

Musician Boy George has agreed to return to the Church of Cyprus an icon of Christ that came into his possession 11 years after the Turkish invasion.

The former Culture Club singer bought the piece from a London art dealer in 1985 without knowing its origin.
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