Showing 1 result for the tag: Import restrictions.

April 17, 2012

Are US coin collectors being unfairly targeted by the law?

Posted at 8:04 am in Similar cases

American coin collectors in the USA argue that it is unfair to apply any sort of import restrictions to them, if other countries aren’t applying similar restriction. This approach seems fairly short sighted – if we worked on this basis, then no country would never need to apply any laws if other countries around them didn’t also have similar rules. Surely, it makes more sense to lead by example & then encourage others to follow suit.

Huffington Post

Wayne Sayles
Executive Director, Ancient Coin Collectors Guild
End the Unilateral Trade Sanctions on Collectors
Posted: 04/ 3/2012 2:46 pm

President Obama recently announced that he is going to get tough on unfair trade restrictions. In his White House announcement earlier this month, the President said China should not be allowed to “skirt the rules” by placing restrictions on exports. “If China would simply let the market work on its own, we’d have no objection,” said Obama. The President went on to say, “When it is necessary, I will take action if our workers and our businesses are being subjected to unfair practices.”

But China is increasingly gaining free rein over certain industries because of the U.S.’ aggressive regulatory stances. While government agencies in Washington increase surcharges and restrictions for U.S. consumers, their Chinese counterparts take advantage of the unilateral sanctions. President Obama should take action by telling his own U.S. State Department to stop its unilateral trade restrictions on American coin collectors. An entire industry of small business collectors is under assault and in danger of collapsing because these sanctions unfairly target Americans alone.
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