Showing 1 result for the tag: Spatial News.

March 13, 2009

Modelling the Acropolis in three dimensions

Posted at 5:40 pm in Acropolis, Greece Archaeology

Hi-tech geo-spatial systems are being used to create a three dimensional representation of the Athenian Acropolis. Highly detailed digital models such as this can be used both in the restoration & cataloguing of the monument, but also as a resource to allow visitors to explore areas that they would not otherwise be able to access & to allow it to be seen from positions that would be otherwise impossible to reach. As museums enter the twenty-first century, integrating archaeology & technology in this ways is becoming increasingly important. Constructing modern buildings in three dimensions is relatively easy – but to accurately reconstruct ancient sites with complex terrain & parts of the building missing etc requires far more sophisticated technology.

Spatial News

LPS Instrumental in 3D Modeling of the Acropolis

Norcross, GA – ERDAS announces that LPS was recently selected and utilized for a significant project to create 3D models of the Acropolis in Greece. LPS is an integrated suite of photogrammetry software tools for generating terrain models, producing orthophotos and extracting 3D features.

This project, called the “Development of GIS at the Acropolis of Athens” was financed by the European Union and the Government of Greece, and supervised by the Acropolis Restoration Service, Hellenic Ministry of Culture. The partners in this project are ELLINIKI PHOTOGRAMMETRIKI Ltd (ELPHO), Athens and GEOTECH O.E., Athens. GEOINFORMATION S.A., the authorized ERDAS distributor in Greece provided photogrammetric support to ELPHO for this project.
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